Sunday, 17 August 2014

Final Week of GSoC!! 

Time Flies! It was a memorable and best summer for me! Lots of take aways from this year's GSoC!
I would like to thank my mentor's Hannes and Pascal for the continous support all the summer.

This week i finished my final presentation. I have finished the documentation. And i was testing my module.
I look to work on the module after 22nd as well. I had talk with my mentor and we will continue to work a bit on the module after 22nd as well!
I have learnt a lot this summer. This was the most productive summer till now ;)

I would like to thank the OpenMRS community and Google Summer of Code for providing this platform! :)
This is the first time i was involved in a real time scenario. It was an awesome experience overall!

I want to specially thank my primary mentor Hannes again for all the support ! :)

Here's my final presentation

Sunday, 10 August 2014

This week i updated the wts installation in .
Here's the Url :

I created a User manual for the module ,I used a github page to create the user manual
Here's the Url :

And i'm working on testing the module, getting few issues while doing it. This week i've been doing lot of debugging.

My next task is to create the final presenation and resolve the issues.

Sunday, 3 August 2014

This week i worked with wts services. I am facing a problem while working with the wts services. i get the following errors
java.rmi.RemoteException: Service "get-algorithms" doesn't have outputfiles with name "listfile"
java.rmi.RemoteException: Service "import-xls" doesn't have outputfiles with name "logfile"

I am trying to resolve this problem. 
 The main goal of the project will be accomplished if this error gets resolved.

Sunday, 27 July 2014

This week we were able to find the wts services and we had setup the wts server. Now i'm working on generating reports and exporting patients from the find/create patient page. We look to test the module completely next week if i finish generating reports and exporting the patients to regadb.

Task ahead are-
Create installation manual for wts services in file
Creating user manual for the users.
All the wts services should be uploaded to repo

Sunday, 20 July 2014

I am Working on wts server To export the patients from OpenMRS to RegaDB through wts.
We are facing problem while setting the wts server.
  We have delayed creating the user manual  page till we completely test our module. We were in touch with Lesedi and Botswana team about testing the module completely.
This week also we are facing the same issue with the wts server.

Sunday, 13 July 2014

This week i tried setting up the wts server which is used to make remote calls, Now i am trying to setup the wts server from within the vagrant code.
We changed our plan to include the user manual in the README file. We are planning to create a html page or a github page for the user manual.

Challenge Faced- We are unable to setup the wts server, we contacted Sai Manohar(Previous GSoC student) if he could help us. We are awaiting a reply from him. There are not many available sources for wts now.

So our next week's task is to setup the wts server completely and to make a clear installation guide for setting up the wts server for the developers to easily setup the wts server. 

Sunday, 6 July 2014

This week i managed to resolve the error which i was getting last week.
We have puppet/vagrant work ready,RegaDB can be setup automatically by running 'vagrant up'.  I have pushed the code to the repository. I have updated the README file in the repository, It contains guidelines about how to setup RegaDB and how to compile the module.
Now my current task is to setup wts server.  It is used as a medium to export the patients to RegaDB.

My next tasks are to update the README file further with the user manual of the module and Complete the export patients functionality after setting up the wts server.

Sunday, 29 June 2014

Past week i finished my mid term presentation.
I am currently working on making the module functional. Add related concepts feature is working on the module now. Now im trying to export patients to regaDB .
I am getting the following error

Could not initialize class org.apache.axis.client.AxisClient

Once exporting patients feature works as expected , we will test our module with Lesedi and Botswana team!

Friday, 20 June 2014

 Time is flying by so fast!! Last post before the mid term!!

The module now starts with 1.9.7 version of OpenMRS.  The module is not fully functional with 1.9.7 version. I'm currently working on it, to make the module fully functional. Facing few problems while trying to make the module function as expected.
Our next task is to test our module completely and continue our interaction with Lesedi and Botswana team.
I prepared my slides for the presentation.I delayed recording the video because i'm having a sore throat.Will try doing it by tomorrow.

Looking forward for next week mid term evaluation ! :D

Saturday, 14 June 2014

This week, I have setup the environment for regaDB. I faced few problems while setting up the regaDB environment but with the guidance of Pascal,Hannes and Lerato i have successfully setup the environment for RegaDB.
    The mavenized module was tested with 1.7 version of OpenMRS and the module worked.  Current task is module upgrading. I have upgraded the module to support 1.9.7 version of OpenMRS. But while starting the module i'm having a problem.The module isn't starting it gives an error. I'm currently working on it.
   Another task done in the last week is, the module was completely migrated from svn to git. Now the repository resides in Github.

The Github url to the module --

Friday, 6 June 2014

This week i mavenized the module completely and build the module successfully. I faced a problem while building the module, two jar files were not present in the maven repo so they were installed manually.

On wednesday, We had a call with Lesedi for deciding our future goals based on their usecase.
I spoke to my mentors and we decided to manually setup the regadb environment , current task is to setup the regadb environment manually.
Next task is to upgrade the module to 1.9.7 version.
I've interacted through mailing list

Friday, 30 May 2014

One more week passed !
This week i was involved in migrating the code from svn to git. And mavenizing the module.
The module is mavenized now! I tried building the module but had couple of errors to handle.I'll try to build the build module with out any errors this weekend.

Next week,we will be completely migrating the repo to git. And one more interesting event is going to happen next week, I'm going to be on a call with my mentors, interacting with a person from Botswana! I'm looking forward to attend the call !

Friday, 23 May 2014

Past one week,  I was trying to setup the dev environment for RegaDB using Vagrant and puppet. It is the first time i have used vagrant and puppet. There is a bit more of configuration left to do. Next task is porting the code from svn to Git. This task is to be done in the coming week.
Time is flying ! Cant believe its already one week the students coding period has started.
Enjoyed the first week of students coding period! :D

Friday, 2 May 2014

   First Interaction With My Mentors

Today had my first skype call with both my mentors Hannes and Pascal. I was bit nervous before the start of the call. Later on I was fine. It was a wonderful experience talking to both of them.
We spoke about our initial objectives. They were fine with it.
     I was introduced to two new terms today 'Vagrant' and 'Puppet'. Going to spend the next one week looking through them and I'll try to set up the infrastructure for RegaDB.
We decided to meet every friday virtually through skype at 14 30 IST.
  Looking forward! :)

Thursday, 1 May 2014

GSoC 2014

Introduced to the OpenMRS Community!

The developer meeting today was very gooood! It was a nice experience.
All the community members were fun loving people :)
Really excited !

Monday, 10 March 2014

I love to explore new things.I came to know about google summer of code through my seniors. I selected OpenMRS organization.I started working on it in december.Solving tickets was challenging and i loved it. It was a whole new experience. I came to know many new things. I like problem solving so solving tickets was even more fun.
              I am thrilled and looking forward to take part in GSOC 2014! :)